
BBC Bitesize UX Evaluation


I evaluated how Scottish 14-16-year-olds use the BBC Bitesize website for exam revision. The evaluation identified areas for improvement and made recommendations.

Design Challenges

  • Evaluate an existing product or service using UX Research Methods
  • Use this data to recommend improvements to the product or service


Conducted secondary research and used this data to create empathy maps (below right)

  • High school students need help to identify what material they should study and how to study it.
  • There is a preference for trustworthy online websites that provide easy-to-find materials.
  • The user group worries about grades; automatic feedback helps mitigate this.


Planned and conducted primary research

The research I conducted focused on aesthetics, user navigation, trustworthiness, and findability

Participants were given a persona (left) and asked to complete a think-aloud excercise & fill out a questionnaire on their experience Microsoft Forms.


Synthesis of Primary Research

BBC was given high marks for trustworthiness by one of the first-time users because of their well-known brand. Trust in online services is hard to build, but having a recognizable brand can help. Positive experiences with BBC in the past can make people trust their BBC Bitesize service more because of their effective branding. However, other first-time users had difficulty navigating the website and completing the task. Addtionally, all users found it difficult to find the information they needed due to the large amounts of information on the page


Reccomended UX Improvements

User testing found two types of users: new and returning. New users needed help to finish tasks.

To help, I added a pop-up and tooltips to guide them if needed.

The website had too much content, making it hard for users to select a topic on subject pages. To solve this problem, accordions were added to the subject pages in the prototype to improve navigation.

The navigation data highlighted all participants identified some navigation issues. First-time participants said more navigation would be helpful. Including breadcrumbs could improve this aspect of the user experience.